The adventure starts here


This post is the first step in my journey as a blogger. In a way starting this blog is a bit like starting a long, strenuous hike. As I stand here at the bottom of my mountain that is the world wide wed, I know that the climb is going to be challenging yet rewarding. There may be times when I want to stop and turn around, but I know that despite the blood, sweat, and maybe even some tears, the payoff at the end will be well worth the trek to the top. Right now I feel like that hiker that has attempted to climb the same mountain numerous times without ever reaching the top. Like the hiker re-attemping the mountain, I am on my third blog attempt. The last two times I went into the project without knowing what I was really getting myself into, and like an unprepared hiker I didn’t have enough experience or the right supplies to take on such a task. But this time feels different. I’ve done my research, trained for months, built up my confidence, and now I am ready to make the ascent for the peak. Wish me luck!

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